LSF Benefits

Social and Health

  1. No harmful emission, corrosion or mould
  2. Non-combustible and non-organic
  3. Lightning -proof
  4. Safe for seismic, wind and snow heavy loads


1. Environmental responsible material

  • Long life cycle
  • Infinite recyclability
  • Limited waste (1 to 10 ratio compared to lumber)

2. Superior energy efficiency
3. Aligned with government initiatives (LEED)


1. Faster deliveries

  • Turnkey integration efficiencies
  • Reduced delays from weather, multi Trade/Supply Coordination
  • Accelerate time to complete projects
  • Safe, clean and accessible job sites

2. Better Quality

  • Controlled workmanship and consistent dimensions
  • High strength and  durable product(protective coating)
  • Longer spans increased design flexibility
  • No shrinking, warping and cracking
  • Termite and carpenter ant proof
  • Wide range of architectures and finishing options

3. Cost-Effective

  • Off-site manufacturing accuracy and predictability
  • Low skill requirements for structure assembly and finish
  • Reduced after-sales service, callbacks and repairs
  • Low maintenance cost and high resale value
  • Steel commodity readily available and competitive
  • Waste disposal, clean-up, and removal reduced
  • Low contractor’s risk insurance coast
  • Light stress on foundations, cranes and contractors
  • Limited material stock for suppliers and contractors
  • One-stop accountability resulting in on-time and on-budget deliveries
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180 West Beaver Creek Road, Richmond Hill, ON, Canada,L4B1B4
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